Quality and Professional Affairs Committee

The Quality and Professional Affairs Committee reports to the Wexner Medical Center Board and is responsible for, among other things, reviewing and evaluating the medical centers patient safety and quality improvement programs and granting clinical privileges for the credentialing of practitioners. 

approved July 8, 2024

Quality and Professional Affairs Committee

Alan A. Stockmeister, Chair   
Juan Jose Perez   
George A. Skestos  
Joshua H.B. Kerner 
Karla Zadnik 
Michael Papadakis   
John J. Warner   
Eric Adkins   
Doreen Agnese   
Jay M. Anderson    
Carol R. Bradford   
Stacy A. Brethauer   
David E. Cohn   
Scott A. Holliday  
Elizabeth Seely   
Deana Sievert  
Corrin Steinhauer  
Andrew M. Thomas