mirror lake


The Board of Trustees is proud to recognize Ohio State students, faculty and staff for their outstanding achievements.
university seal

Distinguished Service Awards

Established in 1952, the Distinguished Service Awards recognize individuals who have rendered exceptional service to the university.
Distinguished University Professor, Stuart Cooper.

Distinguished University Professors

The Office of Academic Affairs awards the permanent, honorific title of Distinguished University Professor on a competitive basis to professors who have exceptional records in teaching, research, scholarly or creative work, and in service.
diploma photo

Honorary Degrees

Honorary degrees are awarded to outstanding scholars, artists and leaders who have made extraordinary contributions to human understanding.
Oxley Statue taken on the Oval facing College Street at Sunset

Resolutions in Memoriam

The Board of Trustees approves Resolutions in Memoriam to honor and commemorate the service of emeritus faculty members upon their passing.
numbers garden

Student Recognition Awards

The Student Recognition Awards are the highest honor bestowed by the Board of Trustees on Ohio State students for their academic and service accomplishments.
Browning Ampitheatre

Sullivant Medal Awards

Established in the 1920s by Professor Thomas Mendenhall, the Joseph Sullivant Medal is named for a member of the university's first Board of Trustees. It recognizes notable achievements by alumni or faculty members.