Alan A. Stockmeister
Owner and President, Foremost Management, Inc.
Alan A. Stockmeister is a lifelong resident of Jackson, Ohio. A graduate of Jackson High School and Michigan State University, Mr. Stockmeister earned his Bachelor of Science and returned to Jackson to work in a construction business started by his parents in 1946.
Alan has worked to build various private business enterprises in Appalachia Ohio, ranging from construction, development, media, manufacturing, and processing. His developments and operations of motels, theaters, restaurants, broadcasting, and dispensaries dot Appalachia Ohio. Alan’s multimedia enterprise owns and operates (12) radio stations, digital billboard advertising, theater advertising, The Telegram newspaper, Main Street TV streaming and Zip Printing.
His recent manufacturing business enterprise includes Phoenix Quality Mfg. LLC, a manufacturer of medical masks, and 2335 Capital LLC, an "all-Ohio" investment company working with others to develop the legalized medical marijuana industry. He has been involved in the development and branding of skin care and medical products by his association with Cannuka, a CBD company whose products are derived from hemp and Manuka honey.
Mr. Stockmeister serves on the board of Greene Lyon Group Inc., providing technologies that make it economically compelling to recycle precious metals from scrap materials and industrial byproducts in a more efficient and sustainable manner. Greene Lyon Group Inc. recovers and refurbishes integrated circuits from scrap populated circuit boards. Its Recovery as a Service offering delivers refurbished chips certified for reuse to OEMs, ITAD companies, and e-recyclers. Its subsidiary, Ohio Metal Processing LLC, is a processor and refiner of copper, silver, and gold from that scrap.
Mr. Stockmeister also serves as chairman of Dallas-based Elemetal, a national precious metals conglomerate. With a vast network of over 45 locations throughout the U.S., Elemetal is America’s largest precious metals refiner. Elemetal melts, buy, sell, ship, and store precious metals across North America. Additionally, Elemetal is a market leader in specialty bullion, including IRA-certified products, bars, rounds, bullets, and grain.
In his private time, Mr. Stockmeister dedicates himself to proudly serving the state of Ohio as an Ohio Commodore. He also serves as a member of various boards beyond Ohio State and the Wexner Medical Center, including the Foundation for Appalachian Ohio, which creates opportunities for Appalachian Ohio's citizens and communities by inspiring and supporting philanthropy; and the Appalachian Partnership, Inc., a nonprofit organization of chief executive officers representing businesses and institutions from Ohio's 32 Appalachian counties to promote economic development.
Mr. Stockmeister and his wife, Susan, together have six children – Aaron, Cora, Seth, Cameron, Kip and Jo Beth.
Appointed by: Gov. John R. Kasich
Term: 02/03/2017 – 05/13/2025